
2023-06-05 18:28:01     来源:大众日报     编辑:    



The theme of World Environment Day (June 5th) in 2023 is "Building a Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature". In the information age, people have explored new approaches for environmental protection. The "Internet Plus Environmental Protection" model has integrated into all aspects of daily life.



1、 Paperless office.

It is well known that paper cannot be made without trees, which means that whenever we use paper, it is approximately the same as cutting down trees. In the era of the Internet, the use of information technology to achieve electronic processing of documents, data and information makes it possible to automate and informatize office work without relying on paper documents and paper processes in the office.



2、 Online environmental protection activities

Nowadays, the Internet has become an information distribution center, attracting public attention to environmental protection through the popularity gathering effect of the Internet. For example, Shandong Internet Media Group has been organizing the "Millions of Netizens Planting Trees " activities for 14 consecutive years, and has launched the "Planting Cloud Trees " model on this basis. Netizens are organized to adopt trees online, and on-site workers are assigned to plant and maintain them. Adopters can also supervise trees planting through live streaming.


“互联网 +”智慧环保通过传感器、摄像头、雷达等感知单元来获取数据, 通过环保物联网、专网、互联网等网络传输数据,建立环境生态治理各领域的主题数据库,以实现信息化治污,如精准治气、系统治水、生态红线监管等。

3、Information-based pollution control

"Internet Plus" smart environmental protection obtains data through sensors, cameras, radars and other sensing units, transmits data through the Internet of Things, private networks, the Internet and other networks, and establishes thematic databases in various fields of environmental and ecological governance to achieve information-based pollution control, such as accurate gas control, systematic water control, ecological red line supervision, etc.



4、 Internet plus energy conservation and environmental protection industry

Smart energy saving, smart grid and smart buildings have become the new perspectives in the field of energy saving and environmental protection. Energy conservation has shifted from simply emphasizing industrial technology, equipment, and processes in the past to a new model that combines Internet information technology with energy conservation and environmental protection technology. This new model can achieve the overall optimization of the energy supply and consumption system, including the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and the organic integration with agricultural development, medical care, and new urbanization.

生态兴则文明兴,生态衰则文明衰,绿色环保已经成为了全球共识。相信在“互联网 +”的加持下,人与自然的和谐共生将实现更高效有序的推进。

A civilization may thrive if its natural surroundings thrive, and will suffer if its natural surroundings suffer. Green environmental protection has become a global consensus. It is believed that with the support of "Internet plus", the harmonious coexistence of human and nature will be achieved more efficiently and orderly.

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